Subaru Triathlon Series

Subaru Triathlon Series Update – August

We appreciate the patience of everyone as we have been working hard to try and finalize what event(s) we could realistically and logistically be able to produce in 2021 as part of the Subaru Triathlon Series. 

Unfortunately, due to numerous issues we will not be able to host both the Milton Triathlon on September 4th or the Owen Sound Triathlon on September 12th as we had originally hoped.  We ARE however, excited to announce that we will be hosting an event on September 12th in Grimsby! 

The event will be held at Nelles Beach Park in Grimsby and will have both a sprint distance, including triathlon, duathlon, relay, swim/bike, and Try-A-Tri/Tri-A-Duathlon races available!  The Sprint distance will be modified to a 500m Swim, parallel to the shore, 25km Bike and 5km run. 

For more information on the event and to register, please visit: 

Anyone that had been registered for a series race will be refunded in full.  We are still working though some of these and should have them all completed shortly.

While it is not the season we envisioned, we are excited to be able to welcome all our great Subaru Series athletes back!! 

Your Subaru Triathlon Series Team